# Working with Objectives
An objective
is a solution to a problem your project aims to solve. Project management in international development and humanitarian contexts, objectives are broad goals you want to achieve. Often, objectives can be written as short and concise statements. When building your project's logic model, you create an objective tree—a path outlining how your project will address identified problems.
In project design, teams often brainstorm problems (using a problem tree) and suggest solutions through an objective tree.
Here is an example of an objective tree
Source: PMD Pro Starter (opens new window)
# Creating an objective
Objectives can be created by entering a name for your objective and assigning a pre-defined level
. Additionally, you can provide a display name
, which is helpful if you have a short name or labeling taxonomy that you are using across your project's objective tree.
After adding your objectives here, you can be able later associate indicators to these objectives to start building your project's logic model.
Share your thoughts
Have any feedback? We’re curious to learn more about how you develop objectives in your organization. Here's what we're interested in:
- How do you work with objectives and designing objective trees? For example, do you start by identifying the problems and their root causes?
- Once you have this, how do you define long-term or short-term objectives? How do you find working with objectives and designing objective trees?
- Do you think grouping objectives by level and sorting them hierarchically aligns with your current approach?
Share your thoughts by using our Contact page. (opens new window)